About the Author

Charles Howl was born in the UK and has been involved in Radio Controlled aircraft, Boats, Sailplanes and Race cars for more that 40 yrs. In the early days everything that you wanted to fly or race YOU had to build!, not just from a 99% complete kit but from Balsa wood, plywood, glue, wire and a plan. it was not easy and sometimes took 6 months to build a new airplane only to have it crash on its first flight.

If you were lucky or had some help you would eventually succeed and your creation would climb into the blue sky,  Then of course you have another problem.. getting it back on the ground in one piece. Now you were a pilot. only another 2-3 years to become a good pilot.

I was fortunate, I joined a club in the early days and now I am an engineer and build all my aircraft carefully and accurately, I have been very fortunate to be helped over the years by many people to progress into this new world. Technology is changing every day and while this makes the construction easier and quicker it sometimes makes the flying part a little longer and harder with all the many new skills that you need to learn. It can be done and everyone needs some support.

DSCF7933 Charles now lives in Canada with his wife near the USA / Canada border.